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Seeds in the Pockets

is a 6 pieces NFT collection dedicated to the brave Ukrainians who fight against Russian invasion and inspire the world.

March 25th, 2022—Chinese dissident artist Badiucao announces today he has created an NFT collection in support of Ukraine amidst the 2022 Russian invasion. This NFT collection, ‘Seeds in the Pockets’ is dedicated to the brave Ukrainians who fight against Russian invasion and inspire the world.  ‘Seeds in the Pockets’ features six new works, each with a message of support and empathy for Ukranians who are living through this terrible war. 


All proceeds from the sale of this collection will be sent directly to the Ukrainian government, who is now accepting payments via crypto currency. 

sun flower S.jpg


Germination 1/6

Take those seeds

and put them in your pocket, 

sunflowers will grow

when you all lie down here.

on fire.jpg

On Fire 2/6

Flower is on fire

Tree is on fire

Snow is on fire


School is on fire

Playground is on fire

Hospital is on fire


Home is on fire

Chair is on fire

So is me

STOP 3/6

You can not start a war with flowers.

But you can stop one with it,

By piercing it through the enemy's heart.

SeaSaw 4/6

it‘s not rain,it’s not snow

It‘s metal and black powder falling from the sky


They flat the buildings

They fill the  ground


where can children hide and seek?

Where can they sea and saw?



little man's rage.jpg

Fuck Putin 5/6

i mean every fucking single letter

Fuck Xi 6/6

China is supporting Putin

Google it.

This collection follows Badiucao’s recent Beijing 2022 Collection, which allowed collectors to write their own message of opposition to China’s authoritarian regime onto the blockchain as part of the minting process, preserving it as a public decentralized record of protest. The collection was initially released at the New World Center’s Soundscape Park as part of the 2021 Oslo Freedom Forum in Miami. It was subsequently canvased at various locations around Miami during Art Basel Miami Beach 2021.


In February, George Washington University chose to censor student protestors who canvassed posters from the Bejing 2022 collection on their campus. University president Mark S. Wrighton vowed to remove the posters after student outcry, and in an email sent to students, initially wrote that he was “personally offended”. The George Washington University president later reversed his decision after backlash, issuing a statement that called his earlier email response and his staff’s hasty removal of the posters “mistakes”.


“I have been battling censorship from China‘s authoritarian regime for more than 10 years,” said Badiucao. “When conventional galleries and venues are too intimidated to exhibit my art due to threats from Beijing, NFTs and blockchain technologies not only provide a safe way to offer critical financial support to dissident artists, but serve as an important immutable public record outside of authoritarian tampering and control.”


Help Badiucao support the brave citizens of Ukraine by collecting this vital work. 


Press Contact

Niki Selken

© 2021 by Badiucao

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