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Day38 Wuhan Diary 武汉日记

作家相片: Badiucao 巴丢草Badiucao 巴丢草

2020.2.29 February 29 38th Day of the Wuhan City Closure 中文日记最下

This day comes once every four years. I never ever thought that I would be spending it like this.

Yesterday I was still asking where those several hundred new coronavirus cases found each day in Wuhan come from. Today Mother told me that her two elder sisters yesterday got confirmed diagnoses of coronavirus pneumonia. An elderly auntie who lives alone ran out of food after twenty days. About a week before she got her diagnosis, she spent several days shopping. I heard she joined a group purchasing group as well. Two days later she developed a low-grade fever. She probably believed then that she could leave things to luck but her condition suddenly got worse two days later. Her breathing became labored and by the time she called the 120 emergency assistance number she had nearly fainted. A CAT scan she got after being taken to the hospital confirmed her symptoms but it was already too late to take the nuclei acid test to confirm the diagnosis so she was sent to a university dormitory to be quarantined and so the coronavirus pneumonia diagnosis was not confirmed until the next day. According to what Mother said, when they were in contact that auntie had not yet gone to the hospital.

The nerves of Wuhan people have already been stretched too tight for too long. People are getting a bit lazy and careless although that attitude is not going to get them anywhere.

Yesterday in a friends group on WeChat I read a former colleagues account of what he learned from his medical treatment. I hadn’t known that he was infected. Fortunately he was not in Wuhan, got to the hospital early and was young and in good physical condition. Now he has been cured and discharged from the hospital. After that, he had to be quarantined for 14 days. Regardless, it is good to hear that he is all better now.

Today while I was talking with a classmate I heard for the first time that her relatives, an elderly couple, had been infected. Her uncle had died and her aunt was still in the hospital but is fortunately getting better now. By some coincidence, that old couple had experienced the farce of that February 9th Wuchang centralized collection of people for admission to the hospital. That was how I learned that that bus that took the old man to the hospital in the pre-dawn hours there was a seriously ill man who had passed away that evening.

The daughter of that old couple and my classmate’s cousin both are employed in a Wuhan media company and so have a wide range of social relationships. My classmate said that she had found everyone whom she wanted to contact within a few days but it was still too late to find hospital beds for her parents.

Three weeks have passed since then but I am afraid the memories are still as fresh and painful as they were at the time. Although it feels that things have greatly changed since then but I still want to record these things. The biggest impression that this epidemic has made on me is this: someone may live as an immoral person making pretensions of virtue for decades yet they will revert to form overnight. For many people, their lives of “being satisfied with just adequate savings” and “spending their years in peace” were shattered in an instant.

Although I have always have known this, but when you are hit head-on by a tsunami you can still feel that it is all preposterous.

China Daily’s interview with Dr. Zhang Wenhong, director of the Contagious Diseases Department of Fudan University’s Huashan Hospital was censored. The article contained a section in which when Dr. Zhang was asked whether the coronavirus came to China from elsewhere, Department Director Zhang said that he believes that it did not. The report continued,

China Daily “Expert: Control of virus within reach““In response to some claims that the virus was imported from elsewhere, Zhang said he believes it originated in Wuhan.“If that was the case, we should have seen patients emerging from different regions in the country around the same time rather than their concentration in Wuhan,” Zhang said. “Moreover, influenza could be easily differentiated from the coronavirus infection through CT scan.”

I don’t know if this exclusive interview was censored because it is not harmonized with the main propaganda melody. After all, the current opinion guidance is actively aimed at “shifting the blame” to the United States. Director Zhang Wenhong in the interview displays that same straightforwardness and honesty seen in all his interviews and so is trustworthy. Zhang Wenhong can be considered to be a “net star” physician born of the new coronavirus epidemic. I like him very much because the way he choose his words and his way of thinking shows a deep humanity, because of his honesty, and doesn’t trim his sails for anyone. He is far from being one of those frosty mouthpieces of the Chinese Communist Party. I fear though, that just because of that, he is destined never to become a “Zhong Nanshan”.

I often think of a saying that I saw on a Weibo microblog. “We’ll do it at any cost.” Many people think that they themselves are the “we”. They are instead “the cost”.

I thought this was so even before the epidemic. Living in Wuhan during this epidemic I am more certain of it than ever before.

Tomorrow the new Internet regulations go into effect. I’ll spend the last few hours before it goes into effect busily downloading all my files from my online storage space.










CHINA DAILY对复旦大学附属华山医院感染科主任张文宏医生的专访被删了,其中有一段,被问及新冠病毒是否是从外国传入时,张文宏主任认为不会,报道中写道:








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