2020.2.4 The 13th day of the Wuhan City Closure
It is very sunny today. When I got up this morning, the sun’s rays just poured into the bedroom, bathing my whole bed. For just a moment, I thought it was just an ordinary weekend day, as if I could, after washing up and getting dressed, go out with some friends to have a meal and catch a movie.
That now feels like it must have been in a previous life. I get that feeling a lot recently.
Today, I sorted through the receipts I have kept since the we knew about the epidemic. We have spent nearly 1000 RMB [about USD $140] on medical masks, alcohol, hand sanitizer and other medical related items:
l Mask: 599.5 RMB (of which 282.6 RMB is reimbursable)
l Alcohol, alcohol cotton flakes 128 RMB
l Disposable hand sanitizer RMB 33.7
l Household blood oxygen monitor 139 RMB
l Electronic thermometer 83 RMB
We have gotten nearly all the packages we ordered for delivery by SF Express before the Wuhan city closure. We ordered one parcel for delivery by China Post. After the parcel arrived at a Wuhan post office a few days ago it hasn’t budged.
Two orders for face masks are being refunded. Although in stock when I ordered, we heard later from the company that we’ll have to wait because they don’t know when they will be able to deliver them.
I bought a lot of disinfecting alcohol pads. I also bought some for my cousin, but it has not been shipped yet. They were taken off the website shortly after I placed the order so it must have been sold out. That store has been out of alcohol for a long time. We have almost used up what we have at home.
I bought a disposable hand sanitizer when new type coronavirus pneumonia was just a rumor. At that time, I bought the compact size because the household size was not big enough. My classmate recommended a brand widely used in hospitals for disinfection and sterilization that is more effective. Unfortunately, I only thought of buying more just before the city closed. By then there was no more in stock. I hope I can buy more later.
I bought the pulse oximeter, which is fairly inexpensive, before the city closed. Then I didn’t know what was going to happen and whether any of my family members were infected. Now our family is doing alright and we may not need it for now. I saw someone on Weibo asking for help the other day. They said that an elderly infected person at home could not be monitored without a pulse oximeter. I felt lucky. Although I spent money on it, it was a matter of being prepared for a misfortune that in the end did not come.
Buying the thermometer is the hardest expense for me to justify. I blame yourself for breaking our mercury thermometer. Mercury thermometers are too much trouble. I spent a whole morning cleaning the beads of mercury so I decided to buy an electronic thermometer this time. The electronic thermometer I bought was twice as expensive as usual because most of the pharmacies in Wuhan are sold out. I heard that there are only a few pharmacies that can sell it, but I can’t go out now. Although I could go out walking to do errand, Wuhan is too big and in the end I may not find a drugstore that has one in stock, not to mention buying it on your own is expensive. After communicating with several relatively nearby online stores, I found that they do not use SF Express. Finally, I did find one that is twice as expensive as usual but can guarantee delivery although that will take 3 – 4 days. In times like these though, a thermometer is essential equipment.
Spending will go nowhere else but up. Now each of us is mentally prepared to spend a long time in this war. Stuff like masks, alcohol, disposable hand sanitizers, etc, will surely continue to be snatched as soon as they become available. My spending was below average, as I only buy medical surgical masks, and I bought way earlier before it doubled. If I invest in those 3M masks, the price will be several times higher. I will start buying 3M masks if things get worse —- to the extent where I can. Last week if you ask an online sellers when you will get a restock, you will likely get the date “February 10th”. Now many of them have been changed to March. I am also anxious if I will end up buying a fake. Recently I saw several so-called "overseas mask groupons". It is said that medical masks can be purchased from the United Kingdom at 3.4 yuan each (the regular price for such a mask is 1.9 yuan in Wuhan), and you can purchase if more than 50K people opted in. But if when asked detailed information about the brand and model, the answer is they are still pending confirmation. Somehow you can determine a price without knowing the brand and the model. Can you even buy this many masked in Britain now? It fills me up with questions.
I saw an online request for help that a family of five – including a young child – contracted coronavirus after one suspected case found in the family did what a doctor suggested to “ isolate at home”.
I can see a lot of similar help requests every day. The reason why I paid attention to this one particularly is because their geographic location is too close to me, just so close. It is close enough to listen to their wheezing.
I also saw news in a neighbourhood WeChat group that multiple staff members of a supermarket were diagnosed as coronavirus positive. The supermarket is not far from my company and the business is now suspended. I went to that supermarket two days before the city was locked-down.
It was full of all kinds of bad news in recent days. My classmate’s parents both infected in Wuhan while the classmate is not in the city. The mother is now in critical conditions while no one is taking care of the elderly couple. I can’t even secure a car to send them for medical treatment after contacting the community.
One friend in the WeChat group has got six elders from one family infected with coronavirus… I have never imagined how bad the so-called "outbreak period" could be.
Maybe it is my own perception that if I don't think about it, I can still pretend life is quiet and wonderful.
In such an mature age, this is the first time I felt so close to bad luck.
Last night, I saw the news on state-owned media, which said the Government started to disinfect the entire city on Feb 3… How can they only start doing this 12 days after the city was in lockdown? Can you believe it?
I also saw a supermarket in another neighbourhood actually engaged in an event delivering vegetables for free. I saw photos and videos on the spot showed it attracted a big crowd.
I am speechless. I feel deeply desperate about the authorities’ capability and awareness.
I read a line wrote that “one dust particle of times that dropped on one person’s head is actually a mountain”.
2月4日 武汉封城第13天
l 口罩 599.5元(其中282.6元待退款)
l 酒精、酒精棉片 128元
l 免洗洗手液 33.7元
l 家用血氧监测仪 139元
l 电子体温计 83元