in Melbourne

TIME: 2pm, 20th July, Saturday
LOCATION: Hosier Lane, Melbourne
Hi, all Melbourne residents
i am Badiucao, a Chinese Australian artist. I am calling everyone of you to join me and Australian-HongKong Link for this Art Campaign to support HongKongers fighting for their city's freedoms.
Creating Lennon Walls all over the city is the newest form of protest in Hong Kong now, with Hong Kongers using of Post-it notes to express their demands. At the same time,the notes also create a unique for of street art as beautiful as rainbows.
As you can see in top of the page, I drew a pair of cartoons earlier to address this extraordinary political art phenomenon, which featuring China's President Xi Jinping and Hong Kong‘s Chief executive Carrie Lam covered by sticky notes.
This Saturday, 20th July, at 2 pm, I invite you to come to Hoseir Lane in our city to support Hong Kong‘s freedoms . I will paste up plain portraits of leaders of China and Hong Kong. And i would love it if you would contribute your own post-it notes expressing your words of encouragement and support for Hong Kong. Hope to see you there!
If you are not in Melbourne, but want to support and try this campaign in your city. Please clik here to download my cartoon for free. In the link, I provide your a large cartoon as well as a cartoon divided into 64 parts, so you can just print at home with A4 or A3 before connect it into a large work. The link will also provide posters and other info for this campaign.
Love & Freedom