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Solo Exhibitions 


2023  “Tell China’s Story Well”  |  Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw

2022  “We Are the Last Generation”  |  EU Parliament, Brussels

2022  ‘‘MADe IN CHINA”  |  DOX Contemporary Art Center, Prague, Czechia

2021  “China Is (Not) Nearby”  |  Museo di Santa Giulia, Brescia, Italy 

2020  “No, I Can Not. No, I Don’t Understand”  |  Melbourne Street Art Festival, Australia


2018  “Gongle”  |  Hong Kong 

Group Exhibitions 


2023  “Line of Duty”  |  Prometeo Gallery, Milan

2022  “Missing Time”  |  Hunar Symposia, University of Technology Sydney

2017  “Home Thoughts From Abroad”  |  praxis ARTSPACE, Adelaide, Australia 

2016  “Divine Interventions”  |  Nexus Arts, Adelaide, Australia 

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